Monday, July 27, 2009

Column: Farewell to Wingate

LOS ANGELES -- Leaving Wingate is not what I thought it would be.

On the other side of the country my heart is breaking thinking about the friends I leave behind. I was always told that the grass is greener on the other side and now I am beginning to think that my grass at Wingate was pretty green, at times. That is why I want to write about the "Pros and Cons " of my experience at Wingate University.

I did everything in my power to graduate a year early because of what I felt was my uncomfortable situation at Wingate. When I first arrived I didn’t know that what a small school entailed in regards to a social life. Due to the lack of social diversity my freshman year I found it difficult to appreciate Wingate’s student body. I also found that if you didn’t belong to a fraternity or a sorority it was even more difficult to make friends. My biggest impression of Wingate’s social life was that it was an extension of high school social life. However, as the first few semesters went by I began to find myself amongst Wingate’s growing diverse society and found life-long friends.

In regards to academics, I think that Wingate’s faculty is very helpful and unique. If it were not for a few professors that were always concerned with my well-being I don’t think I could have made it out of there. The one-on-one attention from the professors is one of the biggest advantages that Wingate has to offer, because most professors will be approachable.

Wingate's small size is an advantage and disadvantage depending on how you look at it. I did njoy waking up five to ten minutes before class and making it on time -- or not. The disadvantage is that most professors will know you by name and will hold it against you if you do not show up or if you roll in late. Also the constant urge to see new faces was never satisfied because everyone knows everyone.

I remember saying that I would never return to Wingate after I leave, but the truth is that I find it hard to leave. I will miss all my friends and although I learned a lot from my classes, I also learned how to take care of myself and how to form long life friendships. I do not regret choosing Wingate because of all of the cons as well as the pros.

-- Zulema Vera completed her graduation requirements at the end of Summer Session II.

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